The Wolds Barn Owl Study Group
The Wolds Barn Owl Group is a non-profit making organisation dedicated to the conservation of the Barn Owl. Members of the Wolds Barn Owl Group hold the appropriate licence to monitor Barn Owls and visit sites to monitor occupancy each year and advise landowners/farmers to whether nesting birds are present. The monitoring then involves us visiting regularly throughout the breeding season and counting, measuring and weighing the young and possibly the adults also. Robin Arundale is the group’s licensed ringer and would fit a light alloy numbered ring to the right leg of each bird. This would enable any that are recaptured or found dead to be aged and traced back to where they were hatched. All this information is then passed to the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) for scientific purposes. All this will be done and the information kept in strictest confidence by both us and the BTO.
All surveys follow nationally accepted guidance and methods recommended within Bird Monitoring Methods, a manual of techniques for key UK species Gilbert RSPB 1998, Common Standards Monitoring Guidance for Birds JNCC 2004 and Survey Techniques Leaflet 8, The Barn Owl Trust.
For more information about the work of the group contact Ronin Arundale on