Phase 2 National Vegetation Classification
The Phase 2 National Vegetation Classification (NVC) survey encourages a meticulous approach to sampling stands of vegetation. The survey identifies potentially scarce or important vegetation communities and comprises a targeted study based on the results of a Phase 1 survey.
The Phase 2 survey will provide detailed vegetation community and habitat descriptions, including identification of the communities and sub-communities of the NVC present. Detailed species lists would be produced for all NVC communities identified.
Wold Ecology use the nationally-accepted methods of NVC. This survey allows the categorisation of vegetation, and its importance, to be established.
NVC surveys can be tailored to the specific needs of the project. In planning contracts, NVC methods of assessment meet the requirements of the statutory bodies and can be used as a tool to plan site development and potential mitigation. Additionally, NVC surveys enable the production of inventories and maps of plant communities.
NVC can also be used as a tool for planning community-specific habitat management on a nature reserve. This gives a greater opportunity to target the management requirements of a specialised vegetation community.