Badger Surveys
Wold Ecology would follow national guidance and carry out a detailed survey checking for the following signs:
- Badger setts and associated soil excavation
- Badger latrines and dung pits
- Badger prints
- Badger hairs
- Badger paths
- Evidence of Badger foraging activity
Badger surveys can be completed at any time of year, but surveys are most effective during early spring when sett and territorial activity is high and before vegetation has grown to cover field signs.
All features of potential value to Badgers would be surveyed by Wold Ecology including areas of woodland, plantations, small copses, hedgerows, embankments, rock outcrops etc. Well worn animal paths and footpaths will be inspected for badger footprints.
Particular attention is paid to woodland edge areas and the surveyors route through a woodland includes any areas where there are noticeable changes in the topography providing sloping ground into which the badgers could excavate setts.
If the survey needs to provide an indication of the territorial range of each badger social group a more detailed study using bait marking techniques is usually required.