Extended Phase 1 Surveys
Wold Ecology use the Extended Phase 1 method as a first stage survey and assessment for larger scale projects. This establishes whether the study area has the potential for, or already contains, protected or threatened habitats and/or species.
A thorough desktop consultation with national statutory and non-statutory bodies, local conservation bodies and the Biodiversity Records Centre ensures that a comprehensive survey is undertaken.
The habitats within the study area are mapped according to the techniques described in the publication Handbook for Phase 1 Habitat Survey (JNCC 1993).
During the site visit, notes are made of features of potential value to birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles or invertebrates, paying particular attention to species protected by law.
Target notes resulting from the Phase 1 survey can be used to recommend further Phase 2 study. The advantage of the baseline Phase 1 work is that it can save costs if no protected or threatened habitats and/or species are detected.