Ecological Appraisals
Wold Ecology carry out ecological appraisals as a first stage generic survey, often where planning consent is sought for smaller developments. Ecological appraisals are often required to support planning applications to ensure compliance with the Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, and to ensure the client has regard to the purpose of conserving biodiversity in the exercise of their functions (Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006).
A desktop study is conducted through consultation with the local biological records centre and other relevant bodies. This is followed by a site survey to identify potentially important habitats which may contain protected and notable species. Our report identifies species present and also those not present (which can be equally useful), potential for other species to be present, potential impacts from development, mitigation and method statements to protect or enhance biodiversity. A desktop study also identifies other local species that the development may impact upon. The assessment concentrates on species and habitats protected by law or of conservation concern. The advantage of this baseline work is that it can save costs by programming further surveys and evaluating impacts. This study can be used as a risk assessment tool for the first stage of planning and/or for sites of low ecological importance.
Where important habitats are detected, Wold Ecology would recommend further ecological surveys in order to comply with planning legislation. Examples of these include:
- Bat Surveys
- Bird Surveys
- Botanical Surveys
- Reptile Surveys
- Amphibian Surveys
- Otter and Water Vole Surveys
- Badger Surveys
- Arboricultural Assessments
Testimonial - I have known Chris Toohie for 15 years. His successful career has been achieved through attention to detail, knowledge of his subjects and fairness in his business. He is also held in high esteem by his Partners and his team of highly skilled and dedicated naturalists, who have both broadened the scope and extended the range of Wold Ecology’s business. Peter Cook MBE.